Sunday, January 15, 2006

Water, water, everywhere ...

      One tip that has helped me lose weight in the past is to drink a lot of water. Weight Watchers recommends drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. I found that to be a lot of water and had to slowly get used to drinking that amount. But I did, and it helped me. When I drink a lot of water, I lose weight. It's as simple as that. It might just be the exercise of running to the bathroom more! But it works.
      I take a 64-ounce bottle of water with me to work each day. That makes it easy for me to know that I'm drinking enough water. Give it a try. It might help you reach your weight loss goal.
      How are y'all doing? Hanging in there? This blog belongs to every team member so post when you can. Let the rest of us support you and cheer you on as we all become "thin and sexy," to quote Michelle and Trixie.


Jaime said...

I've had to work up my water amounts, too. One thing that helps me is that I buy some flavored water. The kind I particularlly like is called AquaCal. The grape and strawberry are great, and really satisfy my sweet tooth (I used to be able to go through a pitcher of koolaid in an evening). I feel like it's a treat!

SBB said...

I'll have to look for that. I've tried flavored water, but the brands I tried had a weird aftertaste that I didn't like.

Anonymous said...

This is one area where I have the most trouble. I'm with Jaime, I like flavor in my beverage, I'm not a big fan of just water.

I'm going to look for that AquaCal, too. I need to do something!

Michelle said...

I like water, myself. I keep a 24 ounce bottle in my fridge at all times. It is a good way for me to measure. I drink one in the AM before work and one before bed. I also have a bottle I keep at work and drink about 2 of those a day. Or, I at least try. I usually get my water in one way or another.

I don't think i could give up coffee though. Or, my diet Dr Pepper. I don't drink much of them, about 1 cup of coffee a day and about a glass of Diet DP every other day or so.