Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I couldn't wait to get up today!

Give me a big ol' Ta-DA you guys! I've lost five pounds this week. I think I've got my drive back!

This week I've really concentrated on treating myself better and fueling my body correctly. Last Wednesday involved a 2 1/2-hour shopping trip to the grocery store, actually FOLLOWING A PLAN.

I started the DASH diet last Wednesday, with information from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and Of great help to me is a day-to-day menu that gives me a real road map and removes the insecurity of wandering aimlessly around Dietland.

I've got the core plan as well as a graphic that shows EXACTLY how I can modify the plan for weight loss, based on a computer-generated formula for my age, sex, height and current weight.

I am eating very well. I didn't want to play with substitutions or pretend that I could make my own changes yet.

I've even found a second week of menus. Having two weeks' of this road map all ready for me will be beyond helpful! It is very easy and I'm eating normal, healthy foods that normally would not be on my radar. Nothing weird.

It's saved me time, aggravation, money and gasoline, too. I spent $129.48 at the grocery store last Wednesday and that has stocked my larder for well over a week. Well, it's been a week of good meals and there's no need for me to return to the store, yet. Consider that is 21 meals so far (I don't have the brainpower this morning to calculate how many more meals I can make before going back to the store.) If it's just the 21 meals, that's an average cost of $6.16. But there are small snacks built into the plan as well, which I didn't count in that calculation. Figure what it costs, per meal, to eat out -- even at a fast-food place. Now throw in transportation costs. The price of gasoline for waiting at a drive-thru window is through the roof!

OK, OK. I've got to run. I just wanted to share that FINALLY I'm back in gear and I really feel like I've found the key that will propel me forward again. I'm in the zone now. I've got my game plan. And woot! Five pounds!!!


SBB said...

Wow! Wonderful, Trixie! How awesome!

I forgot to weigh this morning because I was running late. I'll weigh later.

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO, TRIXIE!!! *\o/*

That is fantastic!

I wasn't sure I wanted to weigh in this morning, but I promised myself I would. According to the last weight lost Tech has for me, I've lost half a pound. I'm down 6.5. Not as stellar as your loss, but hey, at least it's back to going the right direction! :)

Michelle said...

Congrats Trixie!! I truly am happy that you are finding something that works for you. You're worth it!

Congrats to Frenzied too!

I, however, am still having issues. I am up, 1.2lbs. Ugh. That gives a total now of 48.4

I was this () close to 50lbs. That's a big milestone for me, although I have more to go after that, and it's driving me nuts that it's still a fingertip reach away. Maybe next week...

Anonymous said...

That sounds like me with the 50-lb. mark at WW, Michelle. I'm that close, too. Well, now I am that I went back down after vacation. :)

Let's try not to let our issues get to us, eh? ;)

Trixie said...

Come on girls! This week we can all make that push to get over whatever line we've drawn in the sand. You're both so close I know it will be a dead heat this week and you'll both be victorious.

I know that when you get really close to a huge goal like the 50-lb mark, the body tends to exert some resistance. Don't let it get you -- kick it in the tail! I can't wait to celebrate with you. I'm shooting for a very happy and much thinner Christmas this year, but you guys can cross that line well before Labor Day!!

Linda said...

Good luck to you, Michelle and frenzied feline. That 50 lb mark is a tough one, but I'm sure you can do it. Think of it this way, it's just a number, like any other number, and maybe you won't sabotage yourselves, as people sometimes do when they're close to a milestone.

And way to go, Trixie. :)


Linda said...
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