Yesterday I went back on Weight Watchers online. Frankly, I needed the accountability that having to post my food consumption daily. On my first day, I once again confirmed what my weight loss problem is: the evenings at home. I was holding at only 16 points after breakfast and lunch, but snacking as I watched TV and worked on my computer soon pushed me over 39 points, seven more than I'm allowed.
Here's what I ate yesterday with the point values to the side:
1 cup fresh orange juice (2)
1 cup 2% reduced fat milk (3)
1 1/8 cup Kellogg's Special K (2.5)
Subtotal 7.5 points
23 fl oz Propel Fitness Water Black Cherry (0.5)
1 slice cheddar cheese (3)
3 oz marinated chicken breast strips (2)
1 cup tomatoes (0)
2 cups lettuce (0)
Lemon pepper dressing (0)
1 dr pepper - 12 oz can (3)
Subtotal 8.5 points
3 slices wheat bread (3.5)
1/2 pound new potatoes, cooked (3)
2 cups grapes (2)
1 6-inch Subway® Restaurants Roasted Chicken Breast Sub (6)
1 cup 2% reduced fat milk (3)
1 peanut butter cookie(s) (2)
1 dr pepper - 12 oz can (3)
23 fl oz Propel Fitness Water Black Cherry (0.5)
Subtotal 23 points
Day Total 39 points
So I need to shave seven points off my day. Obviously one of the Dr Peppers has to go. That's 3 points saved. Getting rid of one slice of wheat break saves us 1 point. Three more to remove. Remove the new potatoes. And that will take us down to 32.
Sigh. The sad thing is I was hungry all day yesterday. I'm hungry right now. I'm going to be hungry for a while until my stomach and I adapt. That's okay. I can handle it. And there are some zero point foods that I'm going to stock up on to help me control this raging hunger beast inside me.
I'm proud of you. One of the greatest tools is simply honest reporting of what we're really doing. That with accountability create a work in progress.
I've missed the Great Slim Down. I don't know about you, but this diabetes thing is really messing with my weight loss. I've bounced merrily right on up to within six pounds of my starting weight when we first got going here. It's just ridiculous. Fortunately the heat is holding my appetite down this week, so I am hoping that will help, especially if I can stay hydrated. That's a trick.
What Trixie said. Here are some things to consider that may help that hungry feeling:
Cool, fresh water -- lots of it (really, I know you get sick of hearing that, but it's good for you and is zero points)
I'm not current on the points for these, but they are yummy!
frozen grapes
frozen cherries
(the best part about those two is you can buy them fresh on sale, wash them, store them in snack size storage bags, and freeze -- they won't go bad because you didn't eat them right away, and they are a huge treat to eat)
baby carrots
You crave chocolate? Do fat free Jello pudding cups -- it also counts for dairy and are only 100 calories a cup.
Sugar free Jello cups sometimes help, but I confess not as much as I'd like. They are, however, only 5 calories, so the points count should be negligible.
On the other hand, if you're aspartame intolerant, neither of those last two will work.
I'll see if I can think of other things that might help. One thing recommended by my pre-diabetes diet counselor was peanut butter as a good source of protein. I usually think of peanut butter with bread, but my hubby eats it out of the har with a spoon, so that might be a suitable snack, and it might help curb hunger. With careful attention to portion sizes, peanuts in the shell might be a good source of protein and snackability as well. They take time to crack and eat, so you have more of a chance to feel full sooner.
Exactly, Trixie. Honest reporting, accountability. And yes, the diabetes and the meds are terrible for losing weight -- which is ironic when you consider how weight loss is supposed to help us control the diabetes in the first place.
Jean, I can't eat many artificial sweetners before my IBD flares. So I avoid diet drinks and try to eat smaller portions of regular foods. And yes, water. Propel fitness water, by the way, is excellent and only 30 calories per 23 ounce bottle.
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