Okay, now how am I going to work this? I need to exercise. I hate exercise. Really.
At WW yesterday, the topic was exercise. Ruth (my WW leader) wrote on the board, "When it comes to exercise, I _______."
I piped up, "Don't!"
She laughed and said that was the same answer she got at the first meeting that morning. Pooh, and I thought I was original. :)
That set me up to be the example to the group. "Is there a reason you don't exercise?"
"Because I haven't done it for so long, I'm afraid of starting."
"What do you like to do?"
"Bowl, but I quit when I developed tennis elbow. That's better now, so maybe I can start that again."
"Anything else you like to do?"
"I used to love racquetball when I was in high school and college, but I haven't played it since then."
Now, this was just after my friend, Leslie, just finished saying she plays racquetball once a week at the gym with another friend.
That's all Ruth needed. She looked at Leslie, "Will you take [Frenzied] to the gym to play some racquetball sometime?"
You know, it's a shame. My sprained ankle just got better, and I go and shoot myself in the foot. :)
Ah Frenzied! You know you'll love it!
For me, long walks are an enjoyable exercise. I keep my eyes sharply focused on the path, and every time I find a coin, I thank God for giving me that little reward and motivation. When I get home, I put my "walking money" in a special container. I want to see how much I collect over time... it never fails -- on every walk I find a couple of coins!
Trixe, have you thought about checking in people's houses? I find more money there ... :)
I'm not a great fan of exercise, but I am a fan of living longer and being healthy so ... I exercise.
I find music helps me exercise. I start keeping pace with the beat and I forget I'm exercising. There's a dancer in this body. Unfortunately he's only there because I devoured him at lunch. He was deep-fried.
They say it takes 2 weeks to develop a habit. Frankly, I think exercise takes a bit longer...
But I do enjoy it when I do it. The feeling afterwards really is amazing.
I'd play racketball with ya if I was there...
I would bowl with you if we were
close. I love to bowl but haven't
in years. I pasted an outdoor
racket ball court yesterday. I was
trying to decide if it was anything
my knees could take. I played
basketball, softball, football(that
was untill the boys out grew me)
Tech, you crack me up,let that
dancer DANCE...I love to dance
too..I used to be pretty good at
Well, if we ever get together for a Slim Down Fest, we now know to schedule racquetball, bowling and dancing. :)
I had a co-worker that lost a lot of weight. She said it was because she dances at home, all by herself, every night. I could so get into that kind of exercise. I'd just have to remember to close the blinds first. ;)
I do that Frenzied...it is a lot of fun. And easy if you like getting lost in music.
My problem usually isn't doing the actual exercise, it's making the time to do it. I still struggle with that. I need more hours in my day!
My favorite exercises are walking, dancing, and skating. :)
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