Friday, February 10, 2006

Back online

Hi everyone,

I'm back online! Yay! It's amazing how dependent I've become on a home computer.

California is a huge, lovely state that I can't wait to explore while I'm here. My son and I have done a little exploring already. I'm ready to see a little more than the desert now, though. Something greener, perhaps. :) He's been snowboarding, too, and not doing to badly at it. I think the most important thing he learned during his first lesson was to wear gloves next time. Manufactured snow is just as cold as the real thing.

Okay, okay...I know I haven't been weighing in. Who's idea was this weighing in every week anyway? I blame Tech. I suppose I could have given the information to Tech and let him post it for me...but you gotta understand. I spent a week driving out here and through the whole state to get my license in Sacramento. I didn't have a fridge or a stove and you just can't eat a salad while you're driving in the car. And..and...well, I ended up eating my way across the US. So, my total for this year is minus 3 pounds. I'm going to do better though. I'm in my regular place now, where I'll be for the next 11 weeks, for sure, so maybe it will go a little faster now.

It's good to be back, though. :)


Michelle said...

Welcome back Crystal! And Congrats on your loss!

CrystalDiggory said...

Thanks. Slowly, but surely...:)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! I'd say that 3 pounds is just fine--especially since that's where most of us are. :)

Well, there is Michelle with her 7+ pounds, but then she's an anomaly. ;)

Trixie said...

Welcome back Crystal! So good to see you online again!

Yeah, I'll take that 3 pounds any day. I'm the one who's serving not as a role model, but as a horrible example of what can happen if you get off track... :-(

Michelle said...

LOL An Anomaly?

I knew I was different, but...

CrystalDiggory said...

Thanks everyone!

I want to be an anomaly, too! :)

Hang in there, Trixie. I'm going to post a list of the seven secrets of permenant weight loss today that I hope will be helpful for all of us.