Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Well, it's our second Wednesday Weigh-In, and the first one in which we had a full week to lose those pounds. I didn't want to post today because I didn't lose much and I know that Frenzied, Trixie, Michelle, Jaime or Jeanne Diane have lost pounds and pounds more than I did just by using their willpower and I couldn't match their weight loss unless I resorted to amputation ...

But anyway, I lost 1 pound and 1 ounce. Sigh. I've had sandwiches that weighed more than that.

So share your wonderful news. How did the WWIN go for you today?


Jaime said...

No worries about me Tech, I gained back 2 lbs.

Jaime said...

However, we should be keeping track of our overall progress in the sidebar somewhere, don'tcha think?

SBB said...

How would we do that? Just list our names and weight lost so far?

And where is your blog? I haven't been able to get to it. I just get a page not found error message. :(

Trixie said...

I don't know how it happened, but my scales just said I lost two more pounds. Honestly, I expected to gain back what I lost last week.
Jaime I know I need to write this down before I start fabricating numbers in my mind. But I'll keep track on paper of the real numbers in the privacy of my own home...
Hmmm. Wonder if in a few weeks I could convince myself I started 50 pounds heavier and so I'm already a screaming success? I doubt it.

SBB said...

Woohoo Trixie! Go girl! And Jamie, you'll post a loss next week!

SBB said...

I changed the sidebar so that it shows our names and a place to put pounds lost. I didn't include Trixie because she said she didn't want to. And no one has to. But it gives me a convenient place to keep track. Anyone who wants their name removed, just let me know. If you want to list your loss so far, then place your total since WWIN begin in these comments and I'll add it. I'll try to keep track of it, but remember to check my math. I'm not good at math.

Oh, and 3.2 means three pounds and two ounces lost. I don't know nothin' about using decimals properly!

Trixie said...

I just checked out Jaime's blog. How cool! And I have put a weight loss ticker on my blog (just reports weight loss, not the actual digits, which would kill me.) If you're posting totals only, you can include me -- I'll keep my own private list of the Hard Truth that no one else can see.
I think I'll get myself out for a morning walk today and see if I can develop that as a habit!

SBB said...

You're listed, Trixie, and I got your total (4 pounds) from your blog.

Michelle said...

I haven't lost anything. In fact, I gained 2 pounds, myself. I am not sure why. I haven't been "bad" and I have been exercising since I got my treadmill. Harrumph.

I feel like a cow.

Congrats to Tech and Trixie.

Tech, you can add a big fat plus sign next to my name. Sheesh.

Trixie said...

Michelle, treat yourself gently. There are a lot of reasons why you could show a gain when you've done everything right! (Water weight, more muscle mass, biological cycle, for examples). Don't start berating yourself -- that sets you up for negative feelings. Let it go and see how you do next week -- I bet you lose more than you gained this week!

SBB said...

Michelle, you shouldn't feel like a cow. For one thing, that's udder nonsense. :) For another, what Trixie said, if she'll let me horn in on it.

I'm a bit down myself because the last time I hit WW hard, I lost five pounds a week for about a month until it leveled off at 1 to 2 pounds a week. So I guess I was thinking I'd do that again. But hey, 1 pound a week is okay. That will get the job done eventually. I didn't get heavy in a hurry; I won't get thin in an instant.

Remember, as hoary as it sounds, that each day we get to start over. Next week we'll all be losing weight.

Michelle said...

Sorry to sound negative. I was just a little frustrated this morning.

Trixie is right, there are many reasons why I could have gained. And I think each one of her examples, is a reality.

Thanks for your support guys, you are so awesome. And again, I am sorry for getting a bit "whiney hiney" there...

Michelle said...


SBB said...

You are not a whiney hiney. I was going to make some hiney puns, but I didn't think y'all let me get away with cracks like that ... :)

Hoary: ancient.

SBB said...

I wonder if FF has forgot us. Sigh. Her life is so busy that she doesn't need us anymore ... sigh ... I think I will now go and eat a couple of oxen. :)

SBB said...

And where is Jeannie Diane? WHERE? :)

Michelle said...


Jaime said...

Congrats to all you losers! Heehee....

Michelle, we can hang out on the gainer side together and make faces at them.

Tech, make sure your bookmark goes to I got rid of the other domain name.

Jaime said...

And what you put in the sidebar is exactly what I was thinking of!

Jaime said...

Oh yeah, I don't think I have access to the sidebar, so can you (Tech) post my progress up there? I think I'm at -1 overall...

Anonymous said...

I'm here, I'm here!


I was kinda' busy today, but it was more like I went back to bed after getting DS off. Yeah, I know.

I could say I took to my bed because of the bad news the scale handed me this morning. Up 1.5 lbs. Grr. Move over Michelle and Jaime, make room for me!

Linda said...

Nice work. :)
