Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Down for the count

Weight loss is wearing on me. I counted 46 pretzels to have with my 15.4oz of soup. Earlier, I counted 15 Wheat Thins to have as a snack. Just now, I wrestled, and lost, a grapefruit. Next, it's some dried mangos. I get to count 9 of those out of the bag, and then lick my fingers. (Licking fingers doesn't count as points)

But with all the effort and grapefruit injury, it pays off.

I lost 2 pounds this week. How'd you do?


Michelle said...

Woohoo! Congrats to everyone!

*kicks a can*

Trixie said...

I forgot to weigh yesterday, so I did it this morning. I'm up 2 pounds again but it's because I flat-out had a binge this week.

Michelle, you are doing so well! You've got this thing figured out and your head is in the right place.

Nothing of mine is in the right place these days.
*takes over can-kicking from Michelle*

Michelle said...

I don't know if my head is in the right place, it's been pretty messed up lately. But I do know that I want this weight off. Gone. I've been heavy my whole life, and I am done with it.

I only lost 2 of the 3 I gained, but at least it's in the right direction this time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Michelle!!! :)

I didn't weigh in anywhere this week, but I'm sure I'm up just from stress eating over those interviews and the conference.

Michelle said...

Thanks Frenzied!

I am just glad you are here. :)

jeannie diane said...

Hello friends,
My life has been so frantic
lately. I was driving home from
work yesterday. I had a sizure
in the car. It apparently was
not so bad that I had a wreck.
But darn near drove into the
river. enough of the depressing
stuff, to the more depressing
stuff. I am up about 6 or 7
lbs. Now it has been so long
that I am not sure where I
No I am not driving any more.
I have an appointment with the
Doctor. I will most likely try
to go one disability. The way
I feel I am ready. Today I am
so tired. It take a couple of
days to get over a seizure.
This was my 1st one when I
was awake. I have had night
time seizures.
I have so missed you all.
Michelle you are kicking butt.
You go girl!! Glad to see the
rest of you are haning in.
I am hoping to get back on

Trixie said...

Jeannie Diane, I'm so sorry to hear about the seizure and you are in my prayers. Please don't go driving off into the river -- that's too much excitement for all of us! I hope things work out well for you!

Michelle said...

You'll be in my prayers too Jeanne. So sorry to hear about your difficulties.